
NOTE: This form may not be used if there will be any travel expenses associated with this registration and billed to a University unit. This form is used for local meetings or conferences. If you plan to request mileage, STOP. You must use the Travel Expense Voucher.

To process you will need to provide your UCInetID, Password and collect any supporting documentation. Supporting documents must be taped to 81/2 by 11 inch paper. (They will be copied onto microfiche once received by Accounting).

Step 1: Collect all original documentation ;

Step 2: Go to SNAP website at ;

Step 3: Login by entering UCInet ID and password ;

Step 4: Click on the Applications tab located at the top of the page ;

Step 5: In the section entitled Administrative Applications, select PayQuest (Click on PayQuest) ;

Sept 6: Select the form (Registration) ;

Step 7: If no travel expenses are associated with the registration, click OK to continue with form ;

Step 8: Complete form (Red asterisks indicate mandatory information) ,


To properly process requests, the following individuals must provide approval signatures:

  • The unit's financial analyst must initial account and fund ;
  • Department Chair (or delegate) signature ;
  • Assistant Dean's signature ;
  • Exceptions to University policy require the Dean's signature .


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