Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Master of Science Degree Requirements

Course Requirements

The course requirements are summarized in the:

This form must be submitted to the MAE Graduate Studies Advisor, during the first Quarter of your MS program. In completing this form, you should consult with your faculty advisor (if you have one) and with the Graduate Studies Advisor. The form needs the approval of the Graduate Studies Advisor. Below is a summary of the course selection process:

  1. Select your Major Area from the following thematic areas:
    1. (a) Dynamics and Controls
    2. (b) Fluid Dynamics and Propulsion
    3. (c) Solid Mechanics
    4. (d) Systems and Design
    5. (e) Thermal and Transport Systems
  2. Select at least 3 courses from the approved list of courses for your Major area.
  3. Select at least 1 course from the Applied Math list of courses.
  4. Select approved Elective courses to complete the number of units required. Note that at least four of your courses for the thesis option and six of your courses for the comprehensive exam option should be taken from MAE.

Master's Thesis

Candidacy Form
Those students expecting to complete their MS degree via the Thesis option should submit their Candidacy Form in the quarter prior to the quarter in which they will graduate.

The Master's Thesis Committee is comprised of three voting members of the University of California Academic Senate -- not necessarily the Irvine Division -- or by equivalent scholarly standing, by exception. A majority of the committee, but not necessarily all members, shall be affiliated with the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. The Chair of the committee shall always hold a primary or joint academic appointment in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and must be a voting member of the UC Academic Senate; no exceptions will be granted for this position.

Comprehensive Exam

Candidacy Form
Those students expecting to complete their MS degree via the Comprehensive Exam Option should submit their Candidacy Form and their Comprehensive Exam form in the quarter prior to the quarter in which they will graduate.

There are three ways to satisfy the comprehensive exam (CE).

  1. Students who are continuing onto the PhD (with a PhD advisor on record) may satisfy the CE by passing the PhD Preliminary Exam in their Major area.
  2. Students who conduct an MS project (by taking 4 to 8 units of MAE294 in lieu of 1 or 2 elective courses) may satisfy the CE by submitting a Research Report on their MAE294 activity and by taking and passing an oral or written exam on said report.
  3. Any M.S. student may satisfy the CE by passing an oral or written exam. The exam is based on course content from the student's 3-course major area as identified in the M.S. Program of Study form.